Friday, June 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Ethan

Our first little boy, 1 week old. He brings our family so much joy.
Here's the little fellar when he was 3 in Star Valley. The other day I asked him if he knew what his middle name was and he said "Yes, it is Ethan Fellar."

In Bear Lake, 4 yrs old. It seems like yesterday we were just there. Ethan just loves to go fishing, go up the canyon, and hang out with his Dad.

The fellar turns 5, he just lights up my life. The other night I told him we could snuggle in his bed (since I haven't been able to for a while). Then I was in the kitchen talking to Jared and he came up behind me, told me to hold still, then measured my butt with his hands, walked up the stairs with his "measurement," came back down and said, "Yep, mom, you will fit in my bed." Jared and I got a good laugh over that.

Mr. 6 yr. old big brother to 3 girls. He is in for it, that's for sure! I love everything about you Ethan Jared.

1 comment:

Us said...

ahhh i love your stories about ethan. he is a crack up. your family is too cute.