Monday, March 16, 2009

A few family pics!

My friend Elisa came and took a few family and preggo pics yesterday in our backyard. When we were viewing them we noticed there was something in the lens because they have black speckles on them. Since I have never edited or used photoshop for my pics, I don't know how to remove them. But here are a few cute ones anyway!
Ethan was pulling the "I'm too cool to smile" face on most of them but he's sure a handsome fellar. Lydia was being really cute for the first 10 pics then I have some good ones of her scowl face, but I will have to figure out how to remove the black specks before I post them. Isn't Jared just so handsome?!

28 weeks, hopefully only 8 more to go! This was about the size I was when I delivered Ethan!


The Robinson's said...

love them!! you look so pretty! i just love the belly! brown dress, cute!!

allegra said...

you look great angie!!! your tummy is so perfectly shaped. you're getting closer!!

cute family pictures. you all look adorable.

Lauren Webster said...

Hey, nope no labor yet, darn it. I'm getting induced Monday if I haven't had him by then. You look so cute! Better not COUNT on the 36 week thing, though, you never know, you might be dissappointed. I've heard of a few twinners going full term. I caught all up on my scrapbooking (so now my stamping stuff is cleaned out of the kitchen). Now it's just the waiting game... talk to ya soon!

Katie said...

Love the family pictures! You are such a beautiful family!! Ang you look so amazing! I cant wait for those two girlies to get here! Also speaking of girlies Lydia is too precious in the post below, I just love her! xoxo