Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mothers Day!

My mom just emailed this pics she took earlier today and I thought I better post them now or it might not get done for a while! I am so blessed to have such an awesome husband that loves me and would do anything for me.

My little princess. She insisted on wearing one of the babies hair bows today because it was "pink-a-licious." So thanks Melissa for making these bows for the babies, hopefully Lydia didn't stretch it out too much! Her new favorite thing to say is.. "I'm just fine."

Cheeser! 36 weeks and 1 day! I have my amnio Mon. morning, and if both babies lungs are developed, my C section is scheduled for Wed. morning! Yahoo!

There's the fellar playing a little basketball. He was showing us some of his cool tricks he can do. I can't believe he is going to be 6 in 3 weeks. He made me a really cool pendant for moms day at school. It has a picture of a rainbow and a unicorn and it says "I love mom."


Becca said...

so excited for those little babies to come! Good luck with everything! See you this weekend:)
Happy Mothers day.

Nicki said...

Wednesday!! YAY!! I am coming this weekend. Can I come visit you and the babies?? SO exciting!!

Lauren Webster said...

How did the amnio go? Is it Wed for sure? Good luck! Love you!

stampinmamato2 said...

Look at you! 36 weeks! I am so glad you made it this far! Sounds like they will be here soon, can't wait to meet them! Still no luck for us but I keep hoping ;) Take care of yourself and those babies when they get here! Love ya!

allegra said...

wednesday morning? well that is today!! ahah!! hope everything went well!! looking forward to seeing pictures and meeting them.

i'll be prayin' for 'ya. love 'ya!

xo legs