Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hospital Pictures

One of two pictures I have with both of their eyes open! Brielle (left) looks just like Ethan when he was a baby. Ashlyn looks just like Lydia when she was an infant. They are the best little babies, we are all so in love with them!

Getting ready for their first car ride! They look so teeny in those carseats. Leaving the hospital, Ashlyn (orange carseat) weighed 5 lbs 9 oz and Brielle weighed 5 lbs 15 oz.

And here is the second picture with their eyes open. Can you tell which baby is Ashlyn and which one is Brielle?! They sure love their binks. I love their little feminine hands.

So tired! Having naps on Mom. I can't get enough of these tinies!

Our family of 6, holy cow! Sorry your eyes are closed Babe. He started calling the girls "Tiny One" and "Tiny Two." Now he calls them both "Tiny Twos." There is nothing more attractive than Jared showing affection toward our kids. I am one lucky woman, that's for sure.


allegra said...

cool. the word verification thing required for a comment had me type in "psych." so funny.

anyway, i love the pictures!! they really are such cute girlies! and it's amazing how they have their own look. they look similar, but different at the same time. it will be so fun to see how they continue to grow and change and act similar or different in the coming years.

i think in the binkie picture, because you asked, Brielle is on the left, right?!

So so cute.

Nicki said...

SO SO Precious! It's no wonder you are enjoying them so much! They are PURE HEAVEN! I might make a special trip up north just to hold them :)

Angie said...

Hey legs, you are 100% right on the pic! Good job. They are way too fun to hold and kiss, it is so hard to put them down. By the way, fun pics of your vacation, I meant to "comment" on your blog. That is so awesome Max is such an awesome road trip kid! I can't wait to see you and I especially can't wait for you to snap some pics of the girlies. Would it be hard to snap a few family ones as well? Tell me the truth!! Let me know what works for you. Have fun and we'll talk soon. Love ya.

Nikita, I would love to see you again. Thanks again for the diapers and wipes, that was so nice of you. Tell your mom thanks for her "comment". I will have to check out her blog. Call me next time you are headed up, we won't be going anywhere too far for a while! So good to visit and can't wait for our next visit!