Sunday, May 16, 2010


Holy smokes! I can't believe how much time I spend on the computer these days. I am taking a Technology in Education class. I am learning so much. It is a 15 week class crammed into 7 weeks. Luckily I will still get to enjoy 2 months of summer with the kiddos. If you want to check out my web page I am making (I know right!!) for when I am a teacher, you can check it out here.

Other than that, the kids are doing good. Lydia just had her preschool graduation, (which she was sick for) and Ethan will be done with first grade at the end of the month. I can't say enough about their GREAT teachers. The twins will turn one on Tuesday. In a way it has gone by fast, and on the other hand, it hasn't gone fast enough! I am down to breastfeeding them just in the morning and night and hope to be done altogether in the next few weeks.

Jared is definitely my ROCK. He can pretty much do anything and everything that I can do. I appreciate all that he does for me and the kids.


Lauren Webster said...

I can't believe they are almost ONE! How does that happen so fast? I am still nursing Noah before bed- we are both hanging on to those last baby-mama moments. It's hard to let that go for the last time!

Nicki said...

You like your Technology in Education class???? I hated mine :) I had no idea you've been breastfeeding your twins this whole time!! Is there anything you can't do??? AMAZING lady you! Love to see your cute family. I am planning on coming your way this summer and we are hooking up this time, FOR SURE!!