Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Geez Louise

First of all, I love this picture because Ashlyn is clobbering Brielle for once. It is usually the other way around. Brielle has bullying tendancies like biting, pinching, poking, head bonking, pulling hair, etc. I was excited to catch this on camera for Ash's sake, finally getting a little revenge on her sister!!

All right Mom, I HATE THIS COSTUME! Get it off NOW! -Brielle-

No seriously Mom, what Belle said, THIS SNIFFS! -Ashlyn-

Alright, life is good, I can walk around in my oobee slippers. The girls are seriously obsessed with shoes. Especially dirty ones. The first thing they go to play with each day is the shoe basket, they love to chew on them, drag them around the house, and now they love to stomp around in their shoes.

Oooh la la. A new pair of shoes to stomp around in. Ash finds Anna's church shoes to stomp around in. They are so funny with their shoes. When I say it is time to put their shoes on, they hurry over to sit on the stairs for me to put them on. I guess it is never too early to have a love for shoes! It is seriously a new adventure every minute with these girlies.


Kelly Robinson said...

So cute...they look like lots of fun. I loved the costume.

Sheree Thayne said...

omg! What cute pictures you took! Classics!!! Those will be fun to look back on with them when they get older...hilarious! Sorry, I suck this year, didn't want to do xmas cards, too overwhelmed with my little guy. (You're probably thinking: You're overwhelmed?) haha, well yes it's true.

Mike and Lillian Montoya said...

Love the photos!!! I do visit your blog alot, just never have time to comment, I am always viewing from my phone and that is just a hassle to comment from. Your kids are adorable!! Hope you have had a great holiday season. Love ya!! :)