Saturday, November 22, 2008

Two much fun!

Okay, well most of you have heard the whole "Dr" story but just for my personal record I am writing it down anyways!

Tuesday, November 18 our day was pretty much the same morning routine as all mornings. We sleep in until 8am, Ethan comes and snuggles and we talk about our dreams. Lydia will start yelling from her crib for us to come get her, although she has one of those toddler cribs where she is able to get out on her own if she wants to. Then we will watch morning cartoons for an hour and wake up all the way!! We all shower/bathe and get ready. I puke, Ethan has started to ask what color my throw up is, Tuesday it was clear, (just water!) Lydia and I walk Ethan to the bus at 11:55, then we load up and she goes to play at Matildes for a few hours. I had Math and Education class and got out at 3. In the meantime, Jared checks Ethan out of school early so he and Lydia can come listen to the baby's heartbeat. So my appointment was scheduled at 3:10 but by the time I filled out all the paperwork (forgot how tedious that is!) and it was my turn to go back, Lydia had fallen apart in the waiting room (according to Jared, falling apart is sitting on the seat and then getting off, and then getting on, so forth.) Like most hubbys, he thought Lydia was bugging other patients so he took her home. She ended up falling asleep on the way home so I guess she was tired! So anyhow, now it is just me and Ethan!

Now to the good stuff! My doctor has an ultrasound machine at his office every Tuesday so he was checking the heartbeat with that so Ethan could see it. I was telling him how I didn't want to find out the sex of the baby because I thought it would be a fun surprise but that Jared thought I was lame for not wanting to find out. He then said, "I think I have a bigger surprise for you. ..... I see 2 heartbeats." I didn't really believe it at first. I made him show me the 2 heartbeats and I convinced myself it was just one. He then showed me the 2 little buttons on the screen and then I knew there were 2. Wow, they were so cute. One of them was moving around (Jareds convinced this is a sassy girl!) and the other little peanut was sleeping (Jareds convinced this is a calm boy!) We'll see, maybe it is the other way around! It is still too early to tell the sex's since I am just 13 weeks today. My next appointment is when I am 17 weeks, so we may be able to tell then, I'm hoping anyways, it would be fun to find out on Christmas!

The initial shock has worn off a little and we are super excited! Ethan wants to see the babies everyday and he gives them 2 kisses. Now Lydia follows his lead and does the same. It is going to be so fun when they are here, but we will enjoy the time they spend in my belly as well. I am hoping to finish out next semester with them growing healthy and strong inside! Jared left me a cute note the other day and called me "Super Preggo!" I thought it was cute. Anyways, have a great weekend. We are cooking a Turkey dinner tonight and then I am going to a late showing of the Twilight movie with some friends from the ward. I have some cute pics of the kids to post, but Jared has to help me do that still, I will learn sooner or later!


The Robinson's said...

sorry i miss your call the other night! I am so excited for you guys! i cant beleive it, i am in shock!!!!
love ya
cant wait to see ya on the 16th
by the way, i cant figure this blog thing out, how do you add friends, duh?

Lauren Webster said...

Congrats- that is so exciting (and a little scary, huh?). Are you nervous at all about handling 2 at once? So you're pretty sure it's one of each, huh? Or just hoping?Maybe it'll be 2 boys and then you'll have caught up with me and we'll have the same.

Lauren Webster said...

Oh, ps, I can't believe you waited 6 days to tell me!

Melinda said...

Still in shock too! I will just sit back and watch in amazement. Not just any girl could handle this. You are awesome!