Saturday, September 4, 2010

Brielle Mae

These were taken back in April, I love the soft look she has on her face. She is my little mini me in more ways than one! She loves everyone, all the kids at the bus stop, she likes to point her finger at people and she'll laugh if you touch it back with your finger. She loves to play with her brother and sisters. She will bring me a tutu to put on her so she can dance. She is a total riot.

One of my faves, can't get enough of her chubby little features. She's got a smile and laugh thats bigger than her cry (and that is hard to beat)!

Jareds' nickname for her his "Hoolley" or "Hoolley Boolley." This picture kind of explains what a hoolley is... kinda goofy and sporatic I suppose. If you stick out your tongue at her, she will stick hers in and out, in and out all crazy. Total goofball material!

She is hands down the more sleepy sister. She loves nap and bedtime. She'll sometimes hump her sheet when I lay her down. I was too slow cleaning up lunch one day so she just got comfy in her high chair. I couldn't resist a picture!

You know the cry I was talking about above.. insert a big loud one right here! I can't remember what I took away but it really made her scream and I thought it was funny. She can't function without something in her mouth, preferably something really dirty and small: rocks, rhinestones off of my shirts/hats, Jared's work shoes, dirt, my little pet shop animals, pretty much anything and everything! Last Saturday Jared and I noticed a silver thing in her upper palate right next to her front tooth. Our first thoughts was that it was a cavity but it wasn't in the tooth, more in the gums. I freaked out to say the least and luckily we have a pediatric dentist in our ward, who is AWESOME to say the least (Jared Pearson) so I called him and he told me to come right over. He used his little tool they use to scrape in between your teeth and your gums, kind of a pick looking tool and got it right out. It was a tiny rhinestone she had stuck in her mouth. Eeks. He didn't think it had caused too much pain because it wasn't infected around the area yet so it was probably just in there a few days. Phewie.

Let's see, a little stick in one hand and some dirty rocks in the other. Now that she walks she thinks she is pretty cool. She smiles and laughs and runs and plays and thinks she is a big person. It is such a joy to be her mom and watch her grow. I love my Briellee Belley.

Oh, this picture makes me cry just looking at it. It makes me so sad. One night while I was at dinner with my friends, Jared was watching the kids in the backyard. We had 2 springer spaniels, Bolt and Molly Jo. Molly was eating and Belle crawled up to her and she snapped and bit Brielle. It made her lip bleed, but I was really impressed with how fast it healed. This was the next day when I was coming home from the pediatrician. He put her on a strong dose of amoxicillan just in case she got an infection. Molly was put to sleep, so now we are back to just one dog. Brielle still just loves animals. She will just go lay, hug, and squeeze them. She will let Bolt lick her and she will try and kiss him. I think there are many benefits to having pets, I just hope nothing like this EVER happens again.

1 comment:

Sheree Thayne said...

YIKES! Dang rhinestones! I get them in my teeth all the time! lol! And that shot of the bite mark, awe, I remember the day it happened, I think you came to see me with a present for me. I'm glad she healed up fast!