Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I can't believe I got a pic of both of them looking!! It rarely happens. These two are so busy and only Ash is walking. I seriously don't know what we are going to do when they are both walking. Ashlyn gets a new bonk every 15 min!! Brielle is a speedster of a crawler though. Especially when you open the fridge or any door. Watch out! They are on the loose!

Total goofs, Ethan and Anna, having fun swimming at the Legacy Center.

Love these goobers. Lydia had a field trip bowling for her preschool so I let Ethan miss the morning so he could go with us, then we ate at McDonalds for lunch. Lots of fun. I am so happy Gma Sweeten can hold down the fort with the twins and always manages to squeeze in some laundry and tidying up around here. So very grateful.

I just love Ethans face here. He is full of all sorts of faces for the camera these days. Lydia just loves him! He told me today that they are Best Friends. Nothing makes a momma happier! They are my little buddies.


Mike and Lillian Montoya said...

Your kids are adorable Ang! Lydia is just GORGEOUS! I love that Ethan & Lydia are so close, I hope for that with Mikey & Alivia. Let's get together!! SOON!!

Sheree Thayne said...

your twins look like both of you, well one looks like you and the other looks like your husband. How cute! Gosh! I don't know how you do it with two babies, you are an awesome mom!

Sheree Thayne said...

I love you! Miss talking to you