Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day #5... NYC/Bermuda

It was surprisingly colder than I expected. We wore jackets or coats the whole time.
I love this pic, it was taken in the elevator at our hotel in New York. We had so much fun, I want to go back soon!

I loved the colors of all the buildings and houses. They were so bright and happy.

Lovin' my man in a suit. Ow Owww!

The water and landscapes were amazing. We swam here and it was amazingly COLD! We should have packed wetsuits!! It was super nice laying out in the sun.

We had a blast in Bermuda in April of 2008. Wow, 3 years have gone by so fast! That was our last big vacation together with no kidlets! It was a lot of fun, we flew into NYC. We spent 2 nights there, and were able to attend Wicked and Legally Blonde broadway shows. My favorite store to shop was H&M and I am ecstatic that Utah is getting one (or so I heard a rumor)!

We docked out of Hudson Bay and set sail for Bermuda. It was a whole day to get there, but once there, our ship stayed put the whole week. We rented scooters and traveled to different cities. I was taken back by how friendly and helpful the people were. I was also impressed with the little school kids. They were all out playing for recess and had their school uniforms on, I thought it was darling to say the least!

After playing during the day, we would come back to the ship and get all dressed up for the fancy dinners. Then there was always some fun entertainment, either karaoke, a version of American Idol, stamping, whatev. This is the trip we gained 10 pounds each (okay I'm exaggerating) from eating what we like to call "4th meal." There was food available 24-7 and we took full advantage of it!

I'm happy we were able to go on a cruise, especially because it was paid for. That said, I don't know if we'd want to go on another one! We decided we are the type to fly in, play, and fly back! Maybe in another life I will earn another free cruise!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Day #4.. A bad habit!

Alright. This will be easy.

I am a PICKER. I love to pick.

I love to pick zits, especially juicy ones. I love to pick at my nails. I love to pick anything really. I hate to admit that I usually make the little white head or black heads into a bigger mess.

Not a big fan of nose picking, but when needed, I am happy to pick my kids if need be!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day #3... My Craziest Friend!

So, here's the deal. Being slightly crazy myself, if you are a friend of mine, you are automatically a little crazy! The person I had the most pictures of being crazy is my sis sis!

Meet Michelle!

She is a derby girl, a hardworkin' waitress at Mimi's, a doula, my biggest cheerleader (going to school), my sisterly counselor, and one of my best friends.

Love you Shell.

This is her with the tutu on her head playing Just Dance with her daughter, Olivia. She is a goofball.

And now here she is doing funny faces with Miss Lydia. She never misses an opportunity for a funny face.

Awe. So cute. I love her and her kids. I didn't have a pic of her and Vincent. But this is her oldest, Olivia who just turned 12!

Num, num, num!

Ha ha. This was at the twins baby shower.

Day #2... A good memory

I think I have an okay memory. It may be because I take so many pictures that help me remember. I also record most everything on the calendar. Anywho, the memory I am going to talk about is the first time I met Jared and our first kiss! Awe.

When I was a checker at Albertsons, a co-worker/friend, Brittany, asked me if I had a boyfriend. I had just broken up with a long distance boyfriend who lived in California. I wasn't really wanting a boyfriend but was open to dating. She first brought a picture of him, I still remember it vividly. I could pick it out of 1,000 pics if I had to. First of all, the picture didn't do him justice. He had a hat on, sunglasses on, and was making a little smirk. Don't get me wrong, he is hot in a hat and glasses, just hotter in real life! Before she lined us up, her boyfriend, Scott, had to come to the store to "approve" of me. I must of passed.

So the plan was to meet at Brittany and Scott's apartment in A.F. sometime. At the time I was working 3 jobs so I had to reschedule a couple of times. I was a little hesitant because I didn't know Brittany very well but why not? I drove to her house one day after work. I am sure I was wearing my favorite brown cordoroy jeans that I later found out Jared couldn't stand. Actually, I can't remember what I was wearing, fashion definitely wasn't on the top of my priority list.

When I arrived, there was Jared, otherwise known as Shaggy (I called him that for months and months and still call him Shag when with his friends), Brian, Tim, Scott, and Brittany. They were all having a good time watching the Jazz game. Shaggy didn't say much, but I was drawn to his laugh. He would laugh at his friends comments and had a shy demeanor. I tried not to stare at him but his lips really stuck out to me. They were quite red and very moist. (He is a chapstick-a-holic, always has one in his pocket!)

It was a fun night, we had many more like that. I dated a few other morons on the side, but liked "Shaggy" the most. We went camping, hiking, and hung out for a while. He didn't kiss me for quite sometime. I wasn't sure if he "liked" me or not. Finally Scott had to consult him and tell him to make a move. One night he walked me out to my car from their house and just laid one on me. It was messy, but fun! I won't ever forget our first kiss or the first time we met. Love my man!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Skipping to Day 10!

Well since it is our TENTH anniversary I am skipping to #10, a post about someone I've married and plan to spend the rest of my life with.... Jared Lee Adams!! Love this man. He is true to himself, honest, humble, hilarious, easy going, loveable, hardworking, and best of all, he LOVES me and our kids!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

15 interesting facts

So this picture was in April, pretty recent right?! We went out on Fran and Todd's new boat. It is sweeeeet! It fits the whole fam, all the siblings and all the grandkids. So fun. We'll be making more memories once the weather decides to cooperate! So 15 interesting facts, here they go in no particular order!

1. The older I get, the more girly I am becoming! I was never into makeup, clothes, nails, hair, etc. in highschool and even before kids. I think the more wrinkly and the more gray hairs I find, the more girly I am becoming. I hope it isn't a bad thing.

2. I don't like in house pets. I think they smell and I don't like extra hair and messes to clean up. I don't care if other people have them. I've just got enough to worry about! That said, we do let our dog sleep inside but my hubby puts him outside when he goes to work, before I wake up. I think it all started when I was pregnant with the twins. I threw up with any kind of wrank smell. One morning I threw up because I smelled dog (back when we had 2), after that, they didn't sleep inside the rest of my pregnancy. Sorry Bolt and Molly, still love ya.

3. I hate driving. Really, I do. I wish I could fly to Provo and back. It could be because I've been hit 3 times driving. I frequently make sounds when people pull in front of me or even when others are driving. Sorry about that. It drives me nuts when people don't buckle their kids in, they obviously haven't been hit before and don't realize the HUGE impact an accident can have. I think the worst part of an accident is the after math; dealing with insurance, going to the chiropractor, constant pain, etc. I wouldn't wish a car accident on my worst enemy (hopefully I don't have one anyways). Well, enough about that.

4. I love A&W Rootbeer. Yum. I even like Diet A&W RB. I am trying real hard not to drink soda, maybe that is why it is on my mind, I AM DEPRIVED!!

5. I am in love with my husband. No secret about it. We were made for each other. I am excited that when I finish this post, it will be our 10 year anniversary. WOW. It sure has flown by. We dated for 3 years before we were married, so really 13! He is so funny, confident, real. Love him.

6. While running tonight, I was thinking what a lucky mom I am. Ethan is my little buddy. Lydia is my fun gal pal, I think she could run this house without me. Ashlyn is my little nougat of love. Brielle is my little fireball. They are all so healthy and happy and I feel blessed to be their mom.

7. I am a total wanna-be dancer. I tried to go to an Adult hip hop class in January but there wasn't enough people so they cancelled it. For now, I'll stick with Just Dance with the kids. It is more fun anyway!

8. I plan on running my first half marathon in just 3 short weeks. I have been pushing myself and trying to get serious. Why is it so hard to make time for exercise? My friends' work pays her to work out 3x a week for 30 min. each time. Say what? Love it.

9. Alright, I cannot handle RUDE people. I can understand having a bad day here and there, but to always be rude and act like you are better/more superior, come on, we are all here just trying to survive the day!

10. I wear my pink retainers every Sunday night to help keep my teeth straight. I am in need of laser whitening, just don't want to pay big bucks for it!

11. I have worn sunscreen (almost) everyday since I was 21. Almost 11 years now. I read somewhere that is the best remedy to prevent wrinkles. My favorite is Aveeno positively radiant daily moisturizer 30 spf.

12. My favorite meal is Jared's tilapia or mahi mahi. He marinates it in a teriyaki sauce and serves it with fresh mango salsa and rice. I could eat it every day and never get sick of it!

13. I love to bake. My favorite is anything chocolate or sugar cookies. My secret plan has been to open a bakery and sell my cookies. It looks like Smart Cookies beat me to it. Those are some delicious cookies. YUM.

14. I absolutely LOVE being a mom! Some days I feel like a failure and lose my patience. It is so nice to be able to pick up the phone and call my mom, sister, or a friend and vent. I just don't want to be a screamer/yeller mom. Kids don't need or deserve that. I love how my kids are good friends and hope they'll stay close when teenagers and adults. I just love reading books, singing songs, and hanging out with them. They are my little buddies!

15. I long for the day I get a little scrapbook time in. I have so many unfinished projects. To name a few: Austen's missionary scrapbook, Josh's graduation scrapbook, Granny and Gpa scrapbook, my friends last 4 pages of their scrapbooks, all of my kids and family scrapbooks caught up. Not to mention all the gifts I'd like to make for our moms, and grandparents. They are so fun to look at when complete. Someday!

30 Days

I am going to attempt this, I stole this from my friend, Emily's blog, who got it from one of her friends. We'll see how we both do. This is for my niece, Olivia, who always checks my blog and says I need to update more often. Say what?! I'll be back tonight...get excited!

Day 01 - A recent photo of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.

Day 02 - A really good memory.

Day 03 - A picture of you and your craziest friend.

Day 04 - A habit that you wish you didn't have.

Day 05 - A picture of somewhere you've been to.

Day 06 - A picture that shows your true self.

Day 07 - A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you.

Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh.

Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.

Day 10 - A picture of the person you have or will be marrying/being with in the future.

Day 11 - Your celebrity crush.

Day 12 - A picture of something you love.

Day 13 - A picture of something you hate.

Day 14 - Picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.

Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die.

Day 16 - Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why.

Day 17 - Your favorite song.

Day 18 - A picture of the cast of your favourite show.

Day 19 - A picture of someone you miss.

Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel.

Day 21 - A picture of something that makes you happy.

Day 22 - A picture that confuses you.

Day 23 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest.

Day 24 - A picture of yourself and a family member.

Day 25 - Another picture of yourself and a family member.

Day 26 - A picture of something that means alot to you.

Day 27 - A picture of something your afraid of.

Day 28 - A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?

Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile.

Day 30 - Who are you?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Where to start?

TWINS: Busy bees. They are non-stop. They turn 2 tomorrow. I keep waiting for them to get easier, but it hasn't yet, if anything harder. They are independent, know what they want, and how to get it. Brielle has her big smile, Ashlyn has her sweet voice.

I started to potty train because they seemed interested. I started them together thinking it would be easier. Nothing is easier with twins, why would I think otherwise?! Brielle was the first one to go, Ash was being scared. I asked other twin moms for advice and they thought doing one at a time was best. We bought some cute little pink frog toilets and Elmo potty time, we were set. After a few days of cleaning up accident after accident, decided we'd take a break. Now Brielle isn't really showing an interest and Ashlyn likes to be naked all day. Ashlyn will either say she needs to go pee pee on elmo (toilet seat) or will pee on the frog. If I am not right there to get the pee, she'll bring it to me. I was trying to read on the couch (funny I know) and she was bringing it and tripped on a pillow and woops, the pee went all over me. So fun, I know.

LYDI LOU: Sassy. Big helper. Loud. Her preschool graduation is this Saturday. She will be in kindergarten in the Fall. She acts shy for a minute but once you get her talking, she is a chatter box (wonder where she gets that from)! She loves to play with her cousins, be outside, and be the boss. She is always telling Ethan what and how to do everything. He acts annoyed, but I think he needs the direction sometimes.

ETHAN: Almost 8. He still loves his video games, his new favorite computer games are poptropica and monkey quest. He says when he turns 9, he wants a poptropica party. Umm, okay. For his 8th bday he wanted a diary of a wimpy kid party. We'll see. He is getting baptized on his birthday, June 4th. Pretty cool.

Well, besides going crazy, I am loving being out of school for the summer. It is nice keeping up on laundry and cooking for my man once in a while. The day of my last post (March 11) Jared broke his collar bone. He had broken it once before and it just snapped right where it healed last time. He has a killer scar from his surgery. He took 6 weeks off of work and is now working more than ever. I miss his help around here. We are celebrating our 10 year anniversary (May 19) with a couples massage. So excited. We want to go to Cabo sometime, just haven't planned it yet. I am doing the UV 1/2 marathon on June 11th. I don't know what I was thinking. Oh well. Something to cross off the bucket list. Well, it is time to run, fun to be lazy and write a blog post. We'll see if I can do it once a week, I can hear you laughing now. Ha ha.